NETTAB 2005 workshop intends to focus on
the design and implementation of workflows by:
- Introducing the basic knowledge in related technologies, in a non
trivial way (invited lectures)
- Outlining the promising features of workflows in bioinformatics
(invited lectures, open discussion)
- Showing some valuable examples in bioinformatics (invited lectures,
oral communications, posters)
- Allowing for as much discussion as possible (open discussions, panel
discussion, contest)
- Demonstrating "how it works" practically (tutorials)
For this reason, the workshop will include:
- Invited lectures on technological issues, perspectives and examples in
- Oral communications on applications, tools and examples in
- A panel discussion on perspectives of workflows in bioinformatics
- A poster session
- Tutorials, both on implementation of tools and technologies and on the
best practice in workflows management in bioinformatics
Workflow management in bioinformatics: the possibilities and
the challenges
Francis Ouellette, University of British Columbia, Canada
Web Services Choreography: Building Peer-to-Peer Relationships
Steve Ross-Talbot, Pi4 Technology, London, UK
Chair W3C Web Services Coordination Group and
co-chair W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group
Semantics in data integration processes
Guido Vetere, Research Director, Center of Advanced Studies, IBM, Italy
Survey and categorization of existing workflow management systems
and their main features / limitations
Elia Stupka, TIGEM, Naples, Italy
Application of automated bioinformatics procedures for the analysis
of biological data
Luciano Milanesi, Biomedical Technologies Institute,
National Research Council, Milan, Italy
Taverna Workbench
Tom Oinn, European Bioinformatics Institute - EBI, United Kingdom
Designing, setting up and accessing Web Services
Martin Senger, International Rice Research Institute - IRRI,
The Pegasys workflow manager software system for high-throughput
sequence analysis
Sohrab Shah, University of British Columbia, Canada
Wednesday October 5, 2005
10.00 - 17.30 |
Registration and poster hang up |
11.00 - 13.00 |
Tutorial 1
Taverna Workbench
Tom Oinn,
European Bioinformatics Institute EBI,
Manual in PDF format
[1,364 KB] |
13.00 - 14.00 |
Time for free lunch |
14.00 - 16.00 |
Tutorial 2
Designing, setting up and accessing Web Services
Martin Senger,
International Rice Research Institute
Slides in PDF format
[3,760 KB] |
16.15 - 16.30 |
Welcome and introduction to the workshop
Giovanni Colonna,
Second University of Naples, Italy
NETTAB workshop aims and structure
Paolo Romano,
National Cancer Research Institute,
Genoa, Italy, and
Angelo Facchiano,
ISA/CNR, Avellino, Italy |
16.30 - 17.20 |
Opening Lecture
Workflow management in bioinformatics: the possibilities and the
Francis Ouellette,
University of British Columbia,
Canada |
17.20 - 17.50 |
Coffee break |
17.50 - 19.00 |
Posters' session
(see the list with abstracts and posters) |
Thursday October 6, 2005
09.00 - 10.20 |
1st Session:
Technologies and technological platforms for web services and
workflow management
Two invited lectures (40' each, including questions and discussion)
Orchestration and Choreography: Standards, Tools and Technologies
for Distributed Workflows
Steve Ross-Talbot,
Pi4 Tech, UK, and
W3C, Switzerland
Abstract in PDF format [140 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[800 KB]
Semantics in data integration processes
Guido Vetere,
Center for Advanced Studies,
IBM, Rome, Italy
Abstract in PDF format
[60 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[1,104 KB] -
10.20 - 10.50 |
Coffee break |
10.50 - 12.10 |
1st Session (cont.):
Technologies and technological platforms for web services and
workflow management
Four oral communications (20' each, including questions)
- User-designed web services to support heterogeneous biological
data retrieval
Marie-Dominique Devignes1,
Hervé de Palma1,
Laurent Pierron1,
Lionel Domenjoud2
and Malika Smaïl-Tabbone1
Henry Poincaré, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
2UPRES EA3446, Université
Henry Poincaré, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
Abstract in PDF format
[304 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[1,452 KB]
- A proposed semantic framework for reporting omics investigations
Alexander Garcia1,2,3,
Jennifer Fostel4,
Norman Morrison5,
Philippe Rocca-Serra1 and
Susanna-Assunta Sansone1
(The MGED RSBI Working Group)
1EMBL-EBI The European Bioinformatics
Institute, The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Cambridge, UK
2The Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
The University of Queenslan, Brisbane, Australia
3Australian Center for Functional Plant
4National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences, National Center for Toxicogenomics, Research Triangle
Park, USA
5The University of Manchester, School
of Computer Science, Oxford Road, Manchester, UK
Abstract in PDF format
[180 KB] -
- Bioinformatics Workflow using ASSIST on GRID
Ivan Merelli,
Giulia Morra and Luciano Milanesi
Biomedical Technologies Institute,
National Research Council, Milan, Italy
Abstract in PDF format
[196 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[412 KB]
- Retrieving factual data and documents using IMGT-ML in the IMGT
information system
D. Chaume,
K. Combres, V. Giudicelli and M.-P. Lefranc,
Laboratoire d'ImmunoGénétique Moléculaire,
LIGM, UPR CNRS 1142, Institut de Génétique Humaine,
Montpellier, France
Abstract in PDF format
[164 KB] -
12.30 - 14.00 |
Lunch |
14.00 - 15.40 |
2nd Session
Workflow management systems in bioinformatics
Invited lecture (40' including questions and discussion)
Survey and categorization of existing workflow management systems
and their main features / limitations
Elia Stupka, TIGEM, Italy
Three oral communications (20' each, including questions)
A Workflow Management System for Bioinformatics Grid
Giovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Sandro Fiore and
Maria Mirto
Center for Advanced Computational Technologies/ISUFI and
Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure
Consortium, University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy
Abstract in PDF format
[292 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[1,216 KB]
Bioinformatic workflows: G-PIPE as an implementation
Alexander Garcia1,2,
Samuel Thoraval1,3 ,
Leyla J. Garcia4,
Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen2,5,
and Mark A. Ragan1,2
1Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia;
2Australian Research Council (ARC)
Centre in Bioinformatics
3Current address: Bioinformatique,
Université Montpellier II, Montpellier, France
4Faculty of Information Technology,
Fundacion Universitaria San Martin, Bogota, Columbia
5School of Information Technology,
Deakin University, Burwood, Australia
Abstract in PDF format [160 KB] -
Easy and user-friendly workflow management based on the
data-morphing concept
Stéphane Graziani
ISoft, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Abstract in PDF format [348 KB] -
Slides in PDF format [1,816 KB]
15.40 - 16.10 |
Coffee break |
16.10 - 17.30 |
2nd Session (cont.)
Workflow management systems in bioinformatics
Four oral communications (20' each, including questions)
Oncology over Internet: integrating data and analysis of
oncology interest on the net by means of workflows
Paolo Romano1,
Guglielmo Bertolini2,
Flavio De Paoli2,
Matteo Fattore3,
Domenico Marra1,
Giancarlo Mauri2,
Emanuela Merelli4,
Ivan Porro5,
Silvia Scaglione5
and Luciano Milanesi6,7
Cancer Research Institute, Genoa, Italy,
2University of Milan Bicocca, Italy,
3Institute for Macromolecular Studies - Division of Genoa, National Research Council, Genoa, Italy,
4Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Camerino, Italy,
5University of Genoa, Italy,
6National Research Council, Milan,
7CILEA, Segrate, Italy
Abstract in PDF format
[836 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[2,548 KB]
A portal interface to myGrid workflow technology
Stefan Rennick Egglestone1,
M. Nedim Alpdemir2,
Chris Greenhalgh1,
Arijit Mukherjee3
and Ian Roberts4
1School of Computer Science and IT,
University of Nottingham, UK
2School of Computer Science,
University of Manchester, UK
3School of Computing Science,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
4Department of Computer Science,
University of Sheffield, UK
Abstract in PDF format [156 KB] -
Slides in PDF format [480 KB]
Lessons Learned integrating Open Source Software in a Commercial
Life Sciences Workflow Product
Scott Markel
Scitegic Inc., San Diego, USA
Abstract in PDF format
[92 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[264 KB]
Web services-based access to SRS
Daniel Staines
LION Bioscience Ltd., Cambridge, UK
Abstract in PDF format [64 KB] -
18.00 - 19.30 |
Guided Tour of Naples |
20.00 - |
Social Dinner |
Friday October 7, 2005
09.00 - 10.20 |
3rd Session
Applications of workflow management systems in bioinformatics
Invited lecture (40' including questions and discussion)
Two oral communications (20' each, including questions)
A LIMS to support quantitative data acquisition and numerical
simulations of dynamics of segment determination in Drosophila
early embryo
M. Samsonova1,
E. Myasnikova1,
J. Reinitz2
1State Polytechnical University,
St. Petersburg, Russia
2Dept. Applied Mathematics and
Statistics and Center for Developmental Genetics, Stony Brook
University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Abstract in PDF format
[224 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[3,296 KB]
The IGIPI Ontological Framework: integrating gene interactions
with protein interactions
Bill Andreopoulos1,
Aijun An1
and Jimmy Huang2
1Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada
2Department of Information Technology,
York University, Toronto, Canada
Abstract in PDF format [232 KB] -
Slides in PDF format
[416 KB]
10.20 - 10.50 |
Coffee break
10.50 - 11.30 |
3rd Session (cont.)
Applications of workflow management systems in bioinformatics
Two oral communications (20' each, including questions)
Workflow Scenarios for a Semantic Web for Fungal Genomics
Greg Butler
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
Centre the Structural and Functional Genomics,
Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Abstract in PDF format
[132 KB]
Preprocessing, Management and Analysis of Mass Spectrometry
Proteomics Data
M. Cannataro,
P. H. Guzzi, T. Mazza, and P. Veltri
University "Magna Græcia" of Catanzaro, Italy
Abstract in PDF format [148 KB] -
Slides in PDF format [444 KB]
11.30 - 12.30 |
Panel Discussion
Limitations, problems and perspectives in the setting up and use
of workflow management systems in bioinformatics
All invited speakers and members of the Scientific Committee
12.30 - 13.00 |
Introduction to NETTAB 2006 and Farewell
Presentation of NETTAB 2006 on
"Distributed Applications, Web Services, Tools and GRID
Infrastructures for Bioinformatics"
Luciano Milanesi,
Giuliano Armano,
University of Cagliari, Italy
Slides in PDF format
[1,408 KB]
13.00 - 14.15 |
Time for free lunch |
14.15 - 16.15 |
Tutorial 3
Using Pegasys to create custom
workflows for sequence analysis and genome annotation
Sohrab Shah,
University of British Columbia, Canada
Slides in PDF format
[3,024 KB] |

Workshops' Home Page
2005 Home Page
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Overview -
Invited Speakers
Call for Papers
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Type of contributions
Registration Form
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Useful Info
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Deadlines -
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External links
Workshop Organization
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Institutes & Societies