Thursday November 27, 2003
11.30 - 13.00
Tutorial 1: Expression Profiler
Misha Kapushesky, European Bioinformatics Institute EBI, UK
10.00 - 13.00
Tutorial 2: BioConductor
[PPT file (2,6 MB)]
Steffen Durinck, European Bioinformatics Institute EBI, UK
11.30 - 13.00
Tutorial 3: maxdLoad2: An extensible MIAME-compliant database
for microarray experiments
Dave Hancock, University of Manchester, UK
10.00 - 11.30
Tutorial 4: An introduction to text mining techniques and its
application to literature data in biology
Roberta Turra, Giorgio Pedrazzi and Francesco Falciano, CINECA, IT
Thursday November 27, 2003
14.00 - 14.15 |
Opening remarks and introduction to the workshop
Mario Lanzarini,
The Hormone Responsive Breast Cancer (HRBC) Genomics Network
[PPT file (6,2 MB)]
Alessandro Weisz,
Second University of Naples, Italy
NETTAB workshops aims and structure
[PPS file (92 KB)]
Paolo Romano,
National Cancer Research
Institute, Italy |
14.15 - 15.15 |
Opening Lecture
Protein, cell and tissue microarrays for functional genomics
Mike Taussig,
Babraham Institute, UK
Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ESF Programme
on Integrated
Approaches for Functional Genomics
15.15-15.30 Questions and discussion |
15.30 - 15.50 |
Coffee break |
15.50 - 17.15 |
1st Session:
Standardization of microarray experiments information
Two 30' invited lectures plus 25' questions and discussion
MGED standard implementation: building an infrastructure towards
Microarray Data sharing
[PDF file (4,1 MB)]
Philippe Rocca-Serra (EBI, UK)
MIAME/Tox - MIAME for toxicogenomics - towards
the harmonization of a new field
[PDF file (4,4 MB)]
Susanna Sansone (EBI, UK)
- Open discussion
17.15 - 17.45 |
Posters' session |
17.45 - 19.00 |
Oral communications session
Four 20' invited lectures plus discussion
Using microarray for time series gene expression analysis and for
identifying regulatory motifs
P. Liò (European Bioinformatics Institute and
Cambridge University, UK)
- Gene expression Network dynamics: from microarray data to gene-gene
connectivity reconstruction: reconstruction of c-MYC proto-oncogene
regulated genetic network
[PPT file (574 KB)]
Gastone Castellani (University of Bologna, IT)
- Cell classification using gene expression data: a strategy
based on independent component analysis
[PDF file (601 KB)]
Daniela Calò (University of Bologna, IT)
- Improved detection of differentially expressed genes in microarray
experiments through multiple scanning and image integration
[PPT file (9,4 MB)]
Chiara Romualdi (University of Padua, IT)
Friday November 28, 2003
8.30 - 10.30 |
2nd Session
Tools for microarrays data analysis
Four 25' invited lectures plus 20' for questions and discussion
maxdLoad2: An extensible MIAME-compliant database for microarray
Dave Hancock (University of Manchester, UK)
EP:NG - a Web-based Microarray Data Analysis and Management Environment
[PPT file (235 KB)]
Misha Kapushesky (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK)
Gene selection through Switched Neural Networks
[PDF file (259 KB)]
Marco Muselli (National Research Council, IT)
[PPT file (999 KB)]
Steffen Durinck (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK)
- Open discussion
10.30 - 10.50 |
Coffee break |
10.50 - 13.00 |
3rd Session
Case studies and significant experiences
Four 30' invited lectures plus 10' questions and discussion
Data mining of microarray data: integrating functional annotation
with expression data
[PPT file (4,3 MB)]
Raffaele Calogero (University of Turin, IT)
Computational dissection of regulatory networks using gene expression and
other high throughput data: case studies in mouse and yeast
Rani Elkon (Tel Aviv University, IL)
Statistical issues in the design of microarray experiments
[PPT file (367 KB)]
Lara Lusa (Cancer Institute of Milan, IT)
Identification of Deregulated Functions and Processes
by Automated Gene Ontology Analysis of Expression Profiles
Stefano Volinia (University of Ferrara, IT)
- Open discussion
13.00 - 13.30 |
General open discussion and farewell

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