The worshop is organized in sessions, where invited speakers present
the state of art of the session's topic, and open discussions.
Open discussions will also be based upon submitted issues and topics.
Tutorials are also foreseen.
A limited number of submissions will be admitted as oral communication.
See the Scientific programme.
Categories of papers have been identified as follows:
- Position papers
- Posters
- Oral communications
Abstracts related to the workshop's topics must be sent by email to
papers2003 at nettab dot org
according to instructions reported below
and within the following deadlines.
- Abstracts due: November 13, 2003.
- Notification to authors: November 17, 2003.
- Early registration: November 17, 2003
NETTAB 2003 Call for Papers
In the last years, biomedical research has evolved through the
development of new technologies, as the microarray technology, able to
assay gene expression for thousands of genes at a time.
This "high-throughput" technology gives the researchers the opportunity
to investigate with a new and powerful approach the underlying genetic
causes of many human diseases, as well as physiological aspects of
growth and development.
After few years, during which the experimental platforms and protocols
have been assessed, microarrays applications are now quickly growing up.
In the meantime, bioinformatics is solicited to create the tools of
analysis and interpretation to understand the biological phenomena under
Analysis of massive gene expression data requires statistical methods,
data mining approaches, and data base storage and searches tools, but
most relevant is the standardization of experimental protocols, data
format, information describing experimentals, and other experimental and
analytical aspects, to be able to exploit data sets from different
laboratories in large scale analysis of data.
Submitted contributions must address at least one of
the following issues:
- standardization of experiments and data, including:
- identification of information requirements,
- use cases,
- data models,
- data structures,
- data exchange formats,
- submission formats,
- comparison of platforms,
- etc...
- analysis and management tools, including:
- database management systems,
- clustering tools,
- etc...
- applications of bioinformatics to microarray experiments, including:
- integrative data analysis,
- gene expression analysis,
- wide genome analysis,
- functional genomics,
- toxicogenomics,
- oncogenomics,
- any-omics,
- etc....
The workshop aims at:
- collecting the latest ideas, achievements and proposals in the
application of bioinformatics to the microarray data analysis and
- strengthening the relationships within bioinformatics community, also
in view of a wider sinergical effort towards common scientific aims,
- improving cooperation between bioinformatics and biomedical communities.
Submission of contributions
Authors are encouraged to submit:
Position papers: submit a short abstract (max 1 A4 pages in
length, size 12pt, in pdf or MS Word format) specifying research
interests and issues to be discussed during the workshop.
Authors submitting position papers do not engage themselves to
present a poster. Instead, they will be invited to introduce the
issues during the discussions. Abstracts will be printed in the
abstracts book, but won't be inserted in the conference proceedings.
Posters: submit an extended abstract (max 3 A4 pages, size 12pt,
in pdf or MS Word format). Abstracts will be reviewed and acceptation
will be communicated to authors. Posters will be inserted in
the abstract book and, only if actually presented at the workshop,
in the conference proceedings.
Oral Communications: submit an extended abstract (max 5 A4 pages,
size 12pt, in pdf or MS Word format) as for posters. Only a very
limited number of abstracts will be selected as oral communications.
All abstracts submitted as oral communication but not selected will
automatically be considered as posters.
Abstracts must be sent by email to papers2003 at nettab dot org
according to the above instructions and within the following deadlines.
- Abstracts due: November 13, 2003.
- Notification to authors: November 17, 2003.
- Early registration: November 17, 2003

Workshops' Home Page
2003 Home Page
Scientific Programme
Overview -
Invited Speakers
Programme Outline
Call for Papers
Scope -
Type of contributions
Registration Form
Subscribe mailing list
Register to the Workshop
Useful Info
Contacts -
How to reach
Deadlines -
Fees -
External links
Workshop Organization
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Institutes & Societies