Useful Information (print this page as a memo!)
NETTAB Workshop Secretary,
National Cancer Research Institute,
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10,
I-16132 Genova, Italy
Email: info at nettab dot org
FAX: +39-010-5737295
Tutorials will be held on November 27, 2003 at 10:00 AM.
The workshop will begin on November 27, 2003 at 2:00 PM
and close on November 28, at 1:00 PM.
InterUniversity Consortium,
Via Magnanelli, 6/3
Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy.
Please, see the related map
in PowerPoint format, with directions to/from Bologna and useful
telephone numbers.
How to reach Bologna
Bologna is located at 11°20 E, 44°28 N, GMT +1.
Bologna airport "G. Marconi" has direct international
flights to/from
Amsterdam, Barcellona, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Lyon, Lisbon,
London, Madrid, Munich, Oporto, Paris, Prague, Tirana and Wien.
It is also connected with many italian airports, including
Milan Malpensa, Rome and Turin.
Bologna is only 2 hours from Milan and about 3 hours from
Rome by train.
How to reach CINECA
CINECA is situated in the industrial area of Casalecchio di Reno,
east of Bologna. Its address is:
Via Magnanelli, 6/3
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna)
Detailed directions for reaching CINECA by car, train and bus from Bologna
town center and from Bologna airport are available at the CINECA
web site.
Please, see the related map
in PowerPoint format, with directions to/from Bologna and useful
telephone numbers.
Invited speakers
Raffaele Calogero (University of Turin, IT),
Steffen Durinck (EBI, UK),
Rani Elkon (Tel Aviv University, IL),
Dave Hancock (University of Manchester, UK),
Misha Kapushesky (EBI, UK),
Lara Lusa (Istituto Tumori Milano, IT),
Marco Muselli (National Research Council, IT),
Philippe Rocca-Serra (EBI, UK),
Susanna Sansone (EBI, UK),
Mike Taussig (Babraham Institute, UK),
Stefano Volinia (University of Ferrara, IT).
- Now: subscribe
to the announces mailing list
- Now: Mark the date in your agenda
- As soon as possible:
yourself to the NETTAB 2003 Workshop
- November 27th-28th, 2003:
attend to the NETTAB 2003 Workshop.
Participation fees
Discounts are available for students, members of
ISCB (International
Society for Computational Biology),
(Gruppo Cooperazione Bioinformatica)
and other selected scientific societies that will be announced.
The same discount rate applies to partners of the
HRBC Genomics Network.
- Academic: 150 Euro
(students, ISCB and GCB members 135 Euro)
- Non-academic: 350 Euro
(students, ISCB and GCB members 315 Euro)
Information is available on-line for becoming ISCB
regular and
corporate members.
Relative fees are
also available on-line.
Hotels in Casalecchio di Reno and Bologna
Hotels cannot be booked through the Secretariat of the Workshop.
A list of recommended hotels which can be booked at an agreed
reduced price is available here.
When booking, please refer always to the price agreed
with CINECA for the NETTAB 2003 workshop.
A full list of hotels and Bed and Breakfast (B&B) solutions in
Casalecchio di Reno is available in the
web site of the municipality.
Useful and interesting external links
Bologna is a very old town, certainly worth a visit.
See the following links:
- The University of Bologna gives many interesting
informations about the hystory of the university and the city. You can also
find a cartography of Bologna.
- Discovering
Bologna is a service offered by Assessorato al Turismo, Comune di Bologna.
- With GiraBologna
you can make a virtual and interactive visit to Bologna.
- Art and Science museums.

Workshops' Home Page
2003 Home Page
Scientific Programme
Overview -
Invited Speakers
Programme Outline
Call for Papers
Scope -
Type of contributions
Registration Form
Subscribe mailing list
Register to the Workshop
Useful Info
Contacts -
How to reach
Deadlines -
Fees -
External links
Workshop Organization
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Institutes & Societies