Introduction to the workshop
Agents in Bioinformatics: the reasons for a workshop now
Paolo Romano,
Biotechnology Department,
National Cancer Research Institute, Italy |
Opening Lecture
The implementation of the Semantic Web
Ian Horrocks,
Computer Science Department,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
1st Session:
The role of agents in the next Internet generation
Introduction to agents architecture and systems, agents and
multiagent platforms and successful application fields,
Paolo Ciancarini,
University of Bologna,
Heterogeneous Software Agents,
V. S. Subrahmanian,
Computer Science Department, University
of Maryland, USA
Bioinformatics applications and the web: today and tomorrow,
Michele Finelli,
University of Bologna, Italy
Posters' session
(see the list of posters) |
2nd Session Possible roles of
agents in bioinformatics
The role of agents in the setting up of an e-scientists
workbench: MyGrid [PDF]
Luc Moreau,
University of Southampton,
United Kingdom
Technology innovation in a service environment: HGMP-RC
Martin Bishop,
Human Genome Mapping Project - Resource Center, United Kingdom
Bio-Agents: an industrial perspective,
Luca Toldo,
Merck KGaA, Germany
The Gene Ontology Project: Content for the Semantic Web
Midori Harris,
European Bioinformatics Institute,
United Kingdom
3rd Session Case studies and
significant experiences
Emanuela Merelli,
University of Camerino,
From GeneWeaver to Agmial,
Kevin Bryson,
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
(INRA), France
DECAF: A multi-agent system for automated genomic annotation
Keith Decker,
Department of Computer and
Information Sciences, University of Delaware, USA
Integration of heterogenous information resources
Steffen Möller,
Proteom-Zentrum Rostock,
Panel with all invited speakers
A semantic web for bioinformatics |
4th Session Oral communications
- A Knowledge Based Interface for Distributed Biological Databases
Paolo Bresciani, Paolo Fontana and Paolo Busetta,
Istituto Agrario, San Michele all'Adige, Italy, and
ITC-IRST, Trento, Italy.
- Web Crawling Agents for Retrieving Biomedical Information,
Padmini Srinivasan, Joyce Mitchell, Olivier Bodenreider, Gautam Pant,
Fililppo Menczer,
National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, USA,
University of Missouri, Columbia, USA and
University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
- An Agent Architecture for Predicting Protein Secondary Structures
Giuliano Armano, Luciano Milanesi and A. Orro,
University of Cagliari, Italy and ITB/CNR, Milano, Italy
Tutorial 1
Theoretical issues on Agents and Multi-agent Systems
Michael Luck, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Tutorial 2
Agents, Middleware, and the Grid
Michael Schroeder, City University, London, UK
Tutorial 3
Social Issues in the Construction of Agent Systems
Andrea Omicini, University of Bologna, Italy

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