Hotels in Bologna
Recommended Hotels
Below is a list of hotels in the NETTAB's area which we recommend.
Rates per person per day including breakfast are
- Single Room EUR 72,00
- Double Room EUR 88,00.
Please book before 20 may, after this date rates and rooms are not guaranteed.
You can make your reservations for one of the three hotels below by using a single fax number, +39051 235326, and mentioning your attendance to the NETTAB Workshop.

Hotel University,
Via Mentana, 7
40126 Bologna
Tel. +39051 229713

Hotel Holiday,
Via Bertiera, 13
40100 Bologna
Tel. +39051 235326

Hotel Paradise,
Vicolo Cattani, 7
40100 Bologna
Tel. +39051 231792
Other Hotels
Here is a list of other hotels in Bologna.

Hotel Orologio,
Via IV Novembre, 10
40100 Bologna
Tel. +39051 231253