List of posters
P2 |
Protein Modeling using Multi-Agent System,
Phani Deepak Kandula, Kamalakar Karlapalem,
International Institute of Information Technology, India
P3 |
DNA Sequencing Hybridization Based on Multi-Castes Ant System,
C. Bertelle, A. Dutot, F. Guinand, D.Olivier,
University of Le Havre, France
P5 |
An Approximate DNA String Matching Algorithm Using Agents,
Kathleen M. Kaplan and John J. Kaplan,
Howard University, USA, and George Mason University, USA
P8 |
How to Establish a Genetic Database - Part II,
Jorge Diaz et al., Cuba
P9 |
How to Establish a Genetic Database - Part I,
Jorge Diaz-Castro et al., Cuba
P10 |
DIAL-B for Bioinformatics: Distributed Intelligent Agents in Lisp for Bioinformatics,
D. McShan, I. Shah , University of Colorado Denver, USA
P14 |
DLPROTEIN a package to model complex biomolecules,
Simone Melchionna and Stefano Cozzini,
INFN, Italy
P15 |
Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic Applied to Automated Protein Identification from Tandem Mass Spectrometric Data,
Hernandez P, Gras R, Appel RD
Swiss Institut of Bioinformatics, Switzerland
P16 |
A Symmetric Cooperative Metaheuristic for Biological Sequence Clustering Using Local Entropy as Similarity Criterion,
N. Zangger, R. Gras, R. D. Appel
Swiss Institut of Bioinformatics, Switzerland
P17 |
Microarray Data Warehousing Concept,
Olga Krebs, Rolf Kabbe, Karlheinz Gross, Roland Eils,
DKFZ, Germany
P18 |
BIAgenta system for data integration in bioinformatics based on Multi-Agent,
Yong-Long Zhuang, Jesse Li-Ling, Fei Ma ,Yan-Da Li
Bejing Institut of Bioinformatics, China
P19 |
An Ontology similarity algorithm for BioAgent,
Rosario Culmone, Gloria Rossi e Emanuela Merelli,
University of Camerino, Italy
P20 |
A Pattern for reactive mobile agent in Genome database annotation,
Diego Bonura, Rosario Culmone and Mauro Angeletti,
University of Camerino, Italy

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