Under the patronage of
Bioinformatics Italian Society
and EMBnet
NETTAB Logo Logo IRCCS San Martino IST NETTAB Logo Venice Laguna

October 16-18, 2013, Venice Lido, Italy
NETTAB 2013 workshop focused on
Semantic, Social, and Mobile Applications
for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Laboratories








List of posters

This list is provisional, more poster titles will be added.

  • SstmpDB: A database of single-spanning transmembrane proteins,
    Olga Bejleri, Zoi Litou, Stavros Hamodrakas
  • Sinergy: how semantics can improve early prevention of skin cancers,
    Diletta Romana Cacciagrano, Flavio Corradini, Leonardo Vito, Laura Cavalieri
  • JavaEE for breakfast: start off on the right foot developing biological Web applications,
    Arnaud Ceol, Heiko Muller
  • Describing the genes social networks relying on chromosome conformation capture data,
    Ivan Merelli, Pietro Liò, Luciano Milanesi
  • An ontology describing congenital heart defects data,
    Charalampos Moschopoulos, Jeroen Breckpot, Yves Moreau
  • Towards a semantic wiki for human and animal cell lines,
    Paolo Romano, Dan Bolser
  • SEBSem: simple and efficient biomedical semantic relatedness measure,
    Maciej Rybinski, José Francisco Aldana-Montes
  • SLIMS: A LIMS for handling next-generation sequencing workflows,
    Francesco Venco, Arnaud Ceol, Heiko Muller Mail

Instructions for the preparation of posters
Posters must be printed on a single paper sheet. Their size must be comprised between A0 and A1 standard formats.

Extend the life of your poster

NETTAB 2013, in cooperation with Faculty of 1000, invites all members to deposit any of their poster/oral presentation(s) into the established open access poster repository, F1000 Posters to allow those who could not make the meeting have the opportunity to see your novel work.
F1000's expert Faculty of 10,000 members will then view these submissions to identify those they wish to select for positive evaluation in the award winning F1000 service. To deposit your work, simply go to and upload your file and maximize the value of your conference presentations.


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